
Showing posts from September, 2020

Best workouts for flat stomach you can do at home

   10 Best exercises for a flat stomach  1. Planks                    One of the best exercises that you can do for your core is a plank. Do for plank go down on the floor in the press-up position.  Put the weight on the forearms while bending your elbows. Form a straight line through your body from shoulders to ankle, suck your belly button into the spine and hold on the position for some time and relax. In the beginning, you may be able to hold the pose only for 8-10 seconds. Don't worry, this will increase as you keep doing this. Repeat the same five-six times.     2. Bicycle crunches                             a) Lie down with your head and shoulders raised, hands behind your head and legs in a tabletop position.                                    b) Bring your right elbow to meet the left knee while straightening your right leg at a 45-degree angle.         3. Burpees                    This explosive exercise works your core and helps to burn fat. Stand with your feet shoul