
Showing posts from October, 2020

How to get pink lips naturally

                                8 Tips to make your lips pink naturally 1. Moisturize Regularly                                                                     Keeping your lips moist at all times is a sure shot way to ensure they remain pink. Use aloe vera gel directly from the plant or buy a pure bottled version to soothe and hydrate dry lips. 2. Go Natural & Avoid Chemicals                                                                                                 If you want pink lips naturally and yours are slightly darker or paler, let go of chemical-laden lipsticks. You can use pomegranate, beetroot, or raspberry juice. Dab a little on your lips for a lovely pink hue for a few hours. Plus, they don't make your lips go dry the way long-stay lipsticks do. 3. Use Lemon                                           If you drink lemon juice with warm water and honey, it detoxes your body giving the skin of your lips a healthy glow. Since it also has bleaching properties,