
Showing posts from December, 2019

how to protect yourself from extreme cold weather

            How to protect yourself from extreme cold weather Protect your hands and feet . Wear mittens when possible because your fingers can share warmth (regular gloves are good, but mittens have the edge.) Wear socks that will keep your feet dry and warm. Some people wear a light liner sock made of a material that wicks away moisture next to the foot and then put a natural fiber sock over it. Try to wear higher cut socks, not low risers. Protect your lips . Use lip balm to keep your lips from drying out from the cold and windy weather. Avoid dehydration . As long as fluids are not restricted by your physician, drink plenty of water to stay well hydrated. Dress properly . Wear outer clothing that shields your skin from the wind and sun. Cold and windy air causes a wind-chill effect that is much colder and more dangerous than the outside air temperature. Avoid alcohol .   Alcohol causes your body to lose heat, in addition to contributing to dehydration. Be pre

How to care your dry skin in winter

Winter skin problem. During winter our skin becomes exposed to an ever-changing set of environmental conditions. Switching between the icy outdoor winter chill and overheated office and bus A/Cs, our skin is constantly trying to adapt to its surroundings. This swapping wreaks havoc on the skin's natural barrier, allowing for moisture to get out and irritants (think pollution) to get in. Suddenly, our skin is dry, tight and sensitive and no amount of moisturizer seems to reverse the damage. 5 Best way to maintain your dry skin in the winter season  1. Wash in Lukewarm water   Never wash with steaming hot water. For the best results, wash your face once a day, at night, using lukewarm or warm, not hot, water. Hot water might dry your skin too much. After cleansing, use cool water as a final rinse and pat gently with a clean towel. Follow up with toner, moisturizer or night cream shortly after drying your face to lock in moisture. 2. Protect  Protect

Best diet plan to gain weight and muscle in 2019

What is a healthy meal? A healthy meal means which includes all of the food incorrect amount needed in the body for metabolism. these food includes  - vitamins,mineral, proteins,fats and oils,lipids,water,roughage, carbohydrates 5 Best supplement for add in your diet plan 1. Take a homemade protein shake The benefits of protein shake on body composition are well-documented. Whey protein, in particular, may  improve your muscle-to-fat ratio  when used as part of a weight-loss or weight-maintenance diet and strength-training program. and protein shake improves bone health and this is one of the best benefits for women. and it's good for bone strength. 2. Milk Milk is one of the best dairy products for healthy weight. and it makes improve bone health and increases bone strength. and milk is good for eyesight also. Milk is a part of human life because when a child born his/her first meal is milk. so milk is so powerful product .so you should drink