Best diet plan to gain weight and muscle in 2019

What is a healthy meal?

A healthy meal means which includes all of the food incorrect amount needed in the body for metabolism. these food includes -vitamins,mineral,proteins,fats and oils,lipids,water,roughage,

5 Best supplement for add in your diet plan

1. Take a homemade protein shake

The benefits of protein shake on body composition are well-documented. Whey protein, in particular, may improve your muscle-to-fat ratio when used as part of a weight-loss or weight-maintenance diet and strength-training program. and protein shake improves bone health and this is one of the best benefits for women. and it's good for bone strength.

2. Milk

Milk is one of the best dairy products for healthy weight. and it makes improve bone health and increases bone strength. and milk is good for eyesight also. Milk is a part of human life because when a child born his/her first meal is milk. so milk is so powerful product .so you should drink 2-3 glass in a day it's very good for your health.

3. Eat Boil vegetables 

Many benefits of boil vegetables.  boiled vegetables are easy to digest and quickly assimilated by the stomach. This is because, boiling vegetables breaks down the complex compounds present in them into their simpler form, which are easily digestible. 
If you are suffering from kidney stones so you should be including boil vegetables in your diet. as boiling removes oxalates 87% present in food. consuming boiled vegetables regularly helps in the treatment of the condition. 

4. Fruits

              When eaten in moderation, fruit can be a very healthy part of a nutritious diet. Some benefits from eating fruit include: Fruits contain fiber, which can help lower your cholesterol and encourage regular bowel movements. Apples, pears, blackberries, and raspberries are examples of fruits high in dietary fiber.

5.Dry fruits and nuts

Dry fruits are one of the best fruits with a lot of nutrition. Dry fruits reduce the risk of anemia. Increase hemoglobin levels. Support for a healthy heart. and help to lose weight and control weight.they are the source of many essential nutrients and best supplements for proteins, vitamins, minerals, and fibers.


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