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Does exercises help you lose fat?does exercises help you lose fat?,what exercises help you lose belly fat,does cardio workouts help you lose belly fat,how does exercise help you lose body fat,what exercise helps you lose tummy fat,what exercises help you lose breast fat,what exercises help you lose side fat,which exercises help you lose belly fat

Does exercises help you lose fat?

If you want lose your heavy weight you need to burn more calories than you consume.
Exercise can help you burning your extra calories.
But some people claim that exercise isn't effective for weight loss on its own
This may be because exercise increases hunger in some people, making them eat more calories than they burned during the workout.

Benefits of exercises !


Exercise really great for your health. because exercise make your body strong and healthy.

Exercise is good for your body external and internal both side. because when you do some exercise daily and you saw your body shape is good.

 It can lower your risk of many diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis and some cancers

Can we lose weight by exercise or not ?

Exercise is often advice for weight lose but some people should really aim for fat lose 

If you reduce your calorie intake to lose weight without exercising you will lose muscle too as fat.

When we lose our weight and we lose our muscles too.

we should including an exercise plan alongside our diet can reduce the amount of muscles too 

This is so important because muscles is more metabolically active then fat.

Cardio Helps You Burn Calories and Body Fat

Cardio is most popular exercise for weight loss and burn calories. Cardio means walking , running , cycling , swimming.
               Therefore, adding cardio to your lifestyle is likely to help you manage your weight and improve your metabolic health. Just don't compensate for the exercise by eating more calories instead.

Weight lifting help burn more calories

Weight lifting help in burn more calories .All physical activity can help you burn calories.

 However, resistance training — such as weight lifting — has benefits that go beyond that

Resistance training helps increase the strength, tone and amount of muscle you have.

Women who didn't lift weights lost weight too, but they also lost more muscle mass and experienced a drop in metabolism

Exercise May Increase Hunger Levels

One of the common complaint about exercise that it can make you hungry and case you eat more.
It's also been suggested that exercise may make you overestimate the number of calories you've burned and "reward" yourself with food. This can prevent weight loss and even lead to weight gain
Although it doesn't apply to everyone, studies show that some people do eat more after working out, which can prevent them from losing weight 
Does exercise help you lose fat ?

Most people who exercise will lose weight over the long term, some people find that their weight remains stable and a few people will even gain weight
some of those who gain weight are actually gaining muscle, not fat.
when comparing diet and exercise, changing your diet tends to be more effective for weight loss than exercise


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