Benefits of drinking lemon water

8 Health benefits of drinking lemon water every day

1. It helps in weight loss                                                                                  Lemon water is really help in loss you heavy weight. Some expert say that lemon water is not useful for loss weight but my personal experience say that it's wrong . Before my weight is around 87 kg and i'm very unfit and than i search that how loss my weight naturally and than i start drink lemon water every morning and evening and do some exercises.In 20 days i loss 5 kg weight so it's work in weight loss  

2. It improve your skin quality  
                                                                      Lemon water is packed with vitamin C, which fights against free radicals and helps to rejuvenate and refresh your skin. One who uses lemon regularly able to manage wrinkle free skin. I t also helps to revitalize the body.
The alkaline nature of vitamin C reduces the bacterial activity and helps to combat the formation of acne.
Vitamin C helps to form collagen in the body and flushes out toxins and damaged cells thus detoxify your blood thereby helpful in making your face radiant.
The application of vitamin C on such spots ensures in making the skin free from black spots and blemishes.It cleanses the body from inside out. It removes toxins from blood and clears blemishes from the skin
3. It helps prevent kidney stone
                                                          Kidney stones can be one of the most painful conditions that you could have; however, the good news is that the condition can be treated. Although there are various medications for kidney stones, you can treat it using home remedies. Home remedies can enhance your health without bringing harmful chemicals to your body. Moreover, the natural remedies are cheaper alternatives to other treatment methods such as medications and surgery. Lemon juice for kidney stones is one of the natural remedies you should have a try. 

4. Pick up your energy level
                                            Fresh squeezed lemon water is one of the most well tested energy boosters around. Most people in America rely on caffeinated beverages like coffee to get aroused in the morning. These adrenal stimulants can produce dirty energy in the form of blood sugar swings and oxidative stress. Lemon water produces clean energy by hydrating and oxygenating the body to extraordinary energy and mental clarity.

5. Boost your immune system from vitamin C                                                                                                  Vitamin C is like our immune system’s jumper cables, and lemon juice is full of it.
The level of vitamin C in your system is one of the first things to plummet when you’re stressed, which is why experts recommended popping extra vitamin C during especially stressful days.

6. It make breath clean and fresh
  • Lemons are rich in Vitamin C which helps prevent gum inflammation and gum disease – both of which are major causes of bad breath.
  • Lemons are a rich source of flavonoids that are powerful natural anti-oxidants and anti-bacterial agents. These help in preventing the harmful bacteria from sticking to the teeth and tongue, which can later result in bad breath.
  • Lemon juice improves digestion by enhancing the flow of digestive juices that in turn boost the overall metabolism of the body. This controls the build-up of bad odor-causing bacteria in the gut, reducing the possibility of constipation and subsequent bad breath.
  • Although lemon juice is naturally acidic, it has a neutralizing effect when mixed with water. This helps to eliminate the acidic residues of bacteria from the mouth.
  • Lemon has a strong, refreshing citrus flavor that works to stimulate saliva flow, which flushes out bad odor-causing bacteria present in the mouth.

7. Improve digestion
                                 Improves digestion. If your digestion is bogging you down, a daily drink of lemon water first thing in the morning can help ease your troubles. There are minerals found in lemons that can help promote digestion, reduce heartburn, and reduce bloating by loosening up trapped toxins.


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