
Showing posts from August, 2020

Tips for weight loss during quarantine

5 Tips for weight loss during the quarantine 1. Stay hydrated                                                                At times your body intermixes signals of thirst and hunger. Drinking plenty of water helps you keep away from unhealthy snacking, and is good for digestion, healthy kidneys, and skin. If plain water bores you, you can try herbal tea and infused water as well .                         2. Maintain an eating schedule                                                                                                                                   Try to have most meals like dinner before 7-8 p.m. Eating food at a proper time and hours before you go to bed makes it easier to digest. Proper digestion and good gut health are important for healthy weight management. 3. Start your day with honey and lemon water                                                                                                                                          Before the first meal of th

What are the benefits of eating dinner early

Eating an early dinner is good for health Sleeping early is considered beneficial for us, not only because it allows you to get the required sleep, but also because you can wake up more energetic and refreshed the next morning. However easy and healthy as it may be, sleeping early is actually quite a task, and with Netflix and all the binge-worthy movies and TV shows, not many people are able to call it a night on time. What is considerably easier to abide by and inarguably equally beneficial, is having an early dinner. Most doctors and nutritionists swear by the notion that dining early is beneficial for health, and today we will take a look at why health experts always recommend wrapping up the day’s gustatory activities earlier than we usually do.                        7  Benefits of eating dinner early 1. Weight loss This practice helps reduce weight loss and triggers the metabolism. There have been several studies that have proven the above-stated fact. This practice automaticall

How to recover from mental illness

 Mental illness   What is a mental health Mental health refers to your emotional and psychological well being having good mental health helps you lead a relatively happy and healthy life it helps you demonstrate resilience and ability to cope in the face of life's adversities. There are many strategies that can help you establish and keep good mental health. These can include.       1. Keeping a positive attitude     2. Staying physically active   3. Getting enough sleep   4. Socializing with people whom you enjoy spending time with    5. Deal with your problems         What is a mental illness     Mental illness is a broad term that encompasses a wide variety of conditions that affect the way you feel and think. it can also affect your ability to get through the day- to- day life mental illness can be influenced by several different factors including.          1 Genetics          2 Environment           3 Daily habits          4 Biology                              Mental heal