How get good posture. correct your posture in a month. simple exercise for correct posture and relive back pain

How get a good posture ? 

  • what is posture ?
how get a good posture? this question is common in now days . because everyone wants a good and healthy posture now days we saw incorrect posture problem 65% people. in old days this problem is very unique because our current lifestyles have made way to us ignoring the way we treat  our body, and putting excessive strain on it this results in chronic pain and poor health in our later years. the sooner we take note on it, the sooner can we change the way our posture is for the better. Having a good posture is the key to a healthy and long life.

  • How we make our posture poor.

when we want good posture so we need thought first that how we make our posture poor because when we know that and we easily correct it. long term effects of poor posture. Sitting, standing or lying in the same position for long can put an unnatural level of strain on our muscles, joints and ligaments. this is the biggest reason for beck pain , neck pain and even shoulder pain. here are some long term and damaging effects of poor posture

  • Which effect on body of poor posture.

  • Back pain 
  • Cardiovascular problems

  • Poor digestion  

What is good posture ?

Good posture means no back pain and healthy and happy life. a posture needs to meet several conditions to be called a good posture, for example, while standing, a good posture is a  straight vertical alignment of our body from the top of your head, to the body's center to the bottom of your feet. similarly a good sitting posture is one in which the spine and head are erect, and the neck is straight.
A good posture is absolutely vital to good health and it helps you in the following ways:

How to make posture correct.

We all born with normal posture. and our life style make posture incorrect . it's problem comes when we not care about posture. and we sit on chair incorrect position and  standing or lying in the same position for long can put an unnatural level of strain on our muscles, joints and ligaments.
so now we need to correct our posture. i'm too phased this problem but now i correct it in just 8-9 month by easy exercise.
I giving u some easy and important exercises. and i'm sure about it you can fix your posture by this exercises.

  • Butterfly stretch
  • Plank
  • Child pose
  • Lunges
  • Posterior pelvic tilt
  • Standing quadriceps stretch
  • squats


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