how to fix anterior pelvic tilt . how fir poor posture . how correct a.t.p . how get healthy posture in 3 month . how correct anterior pelvic tilt

5 stretches for fix anterior pelvic tilt

  • what is anterior pelvic tilt

Today Anterior Pelvic Tilt Common In Human . 65% Men And Women face This Problem .  long term effects of poor posture. Sitting, standing or lying in the same position for long can put an unnatural level of strain on our muscles, joints and ligaments. I am too face this problem in this problem pain in back so much and when lying on bed after 15 min starting pain in back. and when i standing more then 20 min and starting pain in back . Anterior pelvic tilt is a change in posture that happens when the front of the pelvis rotates forward, and the back of the pelvis rises.


In cases of anterior pelvic tilt, the pelvis can gradually be returned to a neutral position, using a variety of stretching and strengthening exercises. These exercises include the following:

  1. Squats
  2. Kneeling hip flexor stretch
  3. Plank
  4. Child's pose
  5. Dead bug


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